See the list of available villas in Nerja, Malaga.
If you are looking for a villa in Nerja, you should not make a decision before taking a look at our portfolio.
We have a complete list of real estate properties for sale, in the area of Nerja, Frigiliana, Torrox…
Properties carefully selected for their location, architectural features, views, amenities…etc.
Buying a villa in Nerja or in any other location on the Costa del Sol, can be the best decision of your life, however, making the wrong choice can make you regret it. Precisely helping you make this decision and choosing the right property for your needs is our speciality at Plaza Estates.
Townhouse for sale in Tamango Hill between Nerja and Torrox PEV1949
Altos de Torrox, Tamango Hill, Nerja
We will present you with an extensive list of available villas, according to your criteria and needs. If any of the properties match what you are looking for, we will take care of all the paperwork, from negotiating with the owner, to accompanying you throughout the buying and selling process.
If what you see in our portfolio does not convince you, no problem, we will take care of finding the property that meets all your needs and fits your budget.
The Costa del Sol is perhaps one of the areas with the greatest potential for revaluation. Buying a property in the area can be a great investment. Nerja is particularly interesting, as unlike other towns such as Marbella or Torremolinos, it still retains its essence of yesteryear.
The town of Nerja is best remembered for the famous TV series “Verano Azul”, which was filmed in the early 80s.
Its incredible climate all year round, the beauty of its coastline, the friendliness of its people… make Nerja a very special place.
At Plaza Estates we are convinced that you won’t go wrong if you decide to come and live here.